User Guide: How This Site Works: Introduction.

This section of the website and blog details how this site works. Please read this article through to the end. Please bear with me. I promise you, it is not difficult. You will probably only need to read and understand this article once and then you will know.

As with most websites, a website usually consists of two parts: The blog (which consists of the posts/articles) and then you get the pages. We are first going to read about the pages and not the blog. Read on…

What Are The Pages?

  1. If you look at the animated image below, you will see me showing you the pages.
    (Click on the image below, it will open in a new tab so that you are not taken away from this page you are reading. Alternatively, place your mouse on the picture below, right click and then click open image in a new tab). Did you see me showing with my cursor?

2. Did you notice me skip anything in the image? (If you did not see anything moving in the image, it means you have not opened it as asked). Yes, it was the blog. Now why did I do that? To make a point. Because I am not talking about the blog yet. I am talking about the pages. If you were able to read any of the pages I pointed to, and then one month later, you went back and then read the same pages, you will have noticed that the information on the pages you read a month ago didn’t change. Even if you went one year later and read those same pages, still the information would not have changed. Why? This means that the pages you read are static. This means that web pages on most websites do not change for the simple reason that the information on those pages does not need to change. Things like the company address, the phone number, the location of the business and so on, this does not change. Hence the reason they are called pages. Apps on mobile phones work on the same principle. Are you with me so far? Now let us move onto the blog, literally the heart of the website. That wasn’t difficult to understand was it? Read on….

What Is The Blog?

If you carefully read the last sentence in the above paragraph, you would have noticed that I referred to the blog as the heart of the website. Why do you think I did that?

I did that because it literally is the breathing and living part of the entire website. If you recall, I mentioned the word static earlier on. I told you that it means that the information contained on pages does not change for the simple reason that it does not need to change.

Now if the information that is on the pages does not change, what about the information contained in the posts (also referred to as articles)? Yes, the information contained in the posts changes almost daily or every day depending on how busy the blog is. It depends on what the blog is used for. If one has a blog like me, it varies, if I have the time, I will do an article or a post every day. If I do not have the time, at least once a week. Every blog is different but the point is there is new information that changes. Simple and easy to understand, right?

Now in my next post/article, I will write about what exactly the blog is and how can one access the blog for the latest news on a website.

Click on the blue underlined link below to be taken to the next and final article about how this site works and how you can access information:

More info about the Blog

Hope you enjoyed reading this article as I have compiling it.

Cheers for now…

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